From Chemistry to Biology, Medicine
and Material Science


Call for Abstracts-Submission

Instructions for Authors




The dimensions of the posters should not exceed 110 cm (height) - 90 cm (width).
Material required to mount postes will be provided.
Please make sure to mount your poster on your assigned board on Thursday, October 15.
Posters should be in place for the whole duration of the Symposium.
Poster material may be removed on Saturday, October 17 after the morning session.
Presenting authors are kindly requested to be next to their poster during the poster session to answer questions.




All participants are kindly invited to submit abstracts of scientific communications that will be reviewed for their acceptance. The Organizing Committee will select a limited number of oral presentations from the contributed abstracts. The other contributed abstracts will be accepted as poster presentations.
The presentation of the abstract and its publication in the Final Program and the Abstract Book is conditional upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author.

The deadline for abstract submissions for oral presentation is July 30, 2009.

The deadline for abstract submissions for poster presentation is August 30, 2009.



Abstracts must be submitted in English.
The official symposium language is English.



            The abstract should be one A4 page long including any figures or schemes. The margins should be 2.5 cm on all four sides. The software, the font and the line spacing used for the abstract should be MS Word, Times New Roman and single space, respectively. The title should be in 14 pt, bold font and centered. After one line space, the authors' names should be 12 pt and bold, and on the next line, the authors' affiliations should be 12 pt and italic. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. Leaving an empty line space, the main text should be 12 pt and justified. Following your text, you should add any figures or schemes you want to include. Any references should be added after any figures or schemes.
You may insert your text directly in the abstract template.



Once you complete your abstract, save the file under the presenting author's name and send it by email to


 Download Abstract Template (WORD-document)